Saturday, February 20, 2010

WEBSITE: Hipster Puppies

My disdain for LOLcatz and the like is widely known. However, Hipster Puppies found a place in my funny bone. Based out of a Tumbler blog, the site features photos of the canine variety, some dressed up and posed, others not, with faux-pretentious captions of the "hipster" persuasion.

For example, a resent post features a small lap dog with a studded collar, slightly cocked head, and Tucan Sam mohawk hairdo. The captions reads "Falcor begrudgingly explained to his mom that wearing girl’s jeans doesn’t make him gay." Another caption, with a picture of a Boston Terrier wearing white-framed "Risky Business" style specs and a cardigan straight from your Grandpa's closet in 1976, says "Popeye insists he doesn’t have 'a thing for asian girls,' even though his last four girlfriends have been Pekingese."

Oh, hipster puppies, you slay me!

Sergio del Limónar


  1. Also in love. I wish there were more of them. I wish I was nearer to people I know with dogs so I could dress them up and send photos it.
