Wednesday, September 2, 2009

MOVIE: The Men Who Stare At Goats

There are always conspiracy theories about things the US government is supposedly doing. People of high office new about the 9/11 attacks before they happened; there really was an alien landing outside of Roswell, New Mexico; oil and gas firms, along with the US government, destroyed the idea of the electric car, the military has developed an earthquake-making weapon to use for far-away attacks. And I'm sure the list goes on!

The new trailer for the film The Men Who Stare At Goats tells the story of a US government and military training program focused on mind control. (I can almost hear the drool dripping from the conspiracy theorists mouths.) These "psychic spies" or "Jedi warriors" as the main mind-reader of the group, played by George Clooney, states several times, went through what appears to be a whole different kind of military boot-camp.

According to the trailer, the story is about a reporter, played by Ewan McGregor, who has heard these aforementioned tales of psychic soldiers and wants to investigate. He meets, Lyn Cassady, a member of this elite group of military personnel, and follows him around in hopes of getting to the bottom of the story.

The movie, also staring Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey, seems to recognize the absurdity in it's own concept and takes a humorous approach to the story. So, while this may or may not be based on a true story, it at least looks like a funny film with an ensemble cast worth catching. We'll see when it opens November 6th.

Sergio del Limónar

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