Tuesday, June 22, 2010

WEBSITE: What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear?

Going through a bit of Glee withdrawl? Take solace in the blog devoted to one of its most unique and gratifying characters. What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear? is centered around McKinley High School's own germophobic counselor, featuring a sort of cheeky how-to guide for this wishing to emulate her style.

Taking stills from the show and hunting down the exact (or similar) sources of her costuming is only one part of the site. The other entails finding things all over the web - from J. Crew to Etsy - that Miss Pillsbury could/should be wearing. So, while your coping with a Glee-less summer, you can always find ways to dress up like one of your favorites until it returns in the fall...or would that be weird and obsessive? Probably. Better to just enjoy the site instead.

Sergio del Limonar

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