Wednesday, June 23, 2010

RECIPE: Mango Ceviche

I've had some bad ceviche experiences in my life. Things that are a secret between me and the porcelain throne. This recipe, however, is the cheater's way out of enjoying the seafood treat without the risk of illness, mostly because there is no uncooked fish!


-lemon juice (the fresher the better)
-2 mangos
-1 onion

what to do:

1) slice the mango into thin strips about an inch to two inches in length
2) cut the onion similarly
3) put the mango slices and onion in a bag or sealed bowl with the lemon juice to "marinate" overnight
4) the next day, drain the lemon juice and mix the cilantro in with the mangos and onions
5) add enough ketchup to allow for everthing to stick together but not be swimming in a sea of red
6) serve chilled

Sergio del Limonar

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