Monday, June 7, 2010

WEBSITE: My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress

In 1697, William Congreve wrote, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn'd" in his poem The Mourning Bride. Well, the opposite is apparently true for Kevin Cotter, the author and creator of My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress, a site devoted to the many uses a beautiful white gown can have if your spouse up and leaves.

In the era of green thinking, Cotter, who's wife of 12 years packed up and left him, develops creative ways in which to be practical, and evidentally, therapeutic with his ex-wife's dress. Forget "halloween costume;" these ideas range from the practical - scarecrow and tablecloth - to those bordering on blatent revenge, like a coffee filter, hammock, or mop.

Now, think carefully about all the useful things you could do with all the crap in that box your ex left behind before you just ceremoniously burn it in a backyard fire pit.

Sergio del Limonar

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