Sunday, November 1, 2009

WEB: Racialicious


The word is thrown around a lot. What it means to one might mean something completely different to someone else. The fact is though, that we, the people of this planet, are diverse. We are diverse in appearance, language, beliefs, heritage, culture, music, dance, food, dress, everything! And this diversity is becoming increasingly more, excuse the overuse of the word in this post, diverse as the world becomes a smaller place.

The blog Racialicious is a sort of watchdog group that both celebrates victories for us a human race and calls foul on people, organizations, and events that run aground on these same issues. Intelligently written and researched, each post gives a fascinating and insightful look at different perspectives on the idea of "race."

A recent analysis of the CNN series "Latino in America" was widely criticized by the site for promoting stereotypes and not following through with many promises the program made in it's outset. Another interesting recurring feature on the blog in the discussion of race, racial archetypes, and importance of certain characters on television and in movies.

Whether one agrees with the points of views of the various bloggers, it is a freshing taste of different opinions on topics that I know I often don't think about; I do now. Bookmark this site immediately!

Sergio del Limonar

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