Saturday, November 21, 2009

CALENDAR: Cats Let Nothing Darken Their Roar

Mrs. Fitzsimmons 2, who is also still on maternity leave, sent me a link to a sight hawking calendars with weird phrases on them, such as the title of this post. Well, it turns out that each of the titles on this attractively, and slightly retro, designed calendar, spell out the name of the month within the phrase itself.

Even the name of the calendar, spells out "calendar." Go to Cats Let Nothing Darken Their Roar and click the link for "The Calendar" on the left side to see the rest of the months with their bizarre and poetic phrasings.

If you like what you see, each calendar runs between $32 to $60 depending on the size. A time keeper and a conversation piece all in one? What more could you ask for?!?

Sergio del Limonar

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