Monday, January 25, 2010

WEBSITE: My Life Is Average

I heard an interview with a famous author the other day where he was asked how he comes up with some of his descriptions. His response was that he carries a small notepad around with him at all times at jots down the often inane thoughts that drift through his head as he experiences life. The color of some lady's dress, how the waiter said the word "water" in a slightly nasal way, the irony of the old man walking a puppy after dinner. Anything.

Now, imagine if you did this. Kind of like Twitter but less annoying and completely non-invasive in the self-centered attention-craved way. That is the idea of My Life Is Average. A blog that is anything but.

The tagline of the site is "Life is pretty normal today..." which is true but this "normal life" is intriguing. Reading the quick musings of its posts makes me think about what it would be like to travel around inside one of my funnier friends' minds for a couple days, eavesdropping on all their minute by minute internal dialogues.

As the entries are all super short it is great for just "popping in" from time to time as well as wasting away several hours laughing to one's self. So, in comparison, how "average" is your life???

Sergio del Limonar

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